Maximizing eCommerce Conversions: The Advantage of Custom Landing Pages

What makes you feel welcome when you walk through the doorway of a physical storefront? Perhaps a customer service associate warmly greets you before reassuring you that you can request assistance at any time during your shopping experience. That instant human connection aims to help you feel noticed and appreciated, but how do you recreate…
October 17, 2023

Maximizing eCommerce Conversions: The Advantage of Custom Landing Pages

custom landing pages

What makes you feel welcome when you walk through the doorway of a physical storefront? Perhaps a customer service associate warmly greets you before reassuring you that you can request assistance at any time during your shopping experience. That instant human connection aims to help you feel noticed and appreciated, but how do you recreate this experience with your digital brand? 

The answer is custom landing pages.

Do you want an effective means to maximize your reach while adding that personal touch online shoppers are starting to miss? Here, the top-rated eCommerce PPC agency Bear North Digital outlines how to customize and take advantage of landing pages for eCommerce brands. Keep reading, and let’s humanize your digital presence for anyone looking at your products or services. 

Everything You Need To Know About Great Landing Pages

What Are Custom Landing Pages?

All websites feature numerous web pages, such as:

  • Home pages: Introduces site visitors to your brand and the products they can purchase. 
  • Service and product pages: Tells a visitor more about a specific product or service as they navigate to the corresponding landing page.
  • Location pages: Helps you refine your brand’s geographical reach if you travel to provide services or have physical storefronts in various service areas. 
  • About pages: Provides information about your brand, values, and what to expect from doing business with you. 

Shouldn’t your website attract, introduce, and inform visitors enough to entice them to complete a transaction? How is a custom landing page any different? For one thing, it’s a unique way to get visitors to complete a purchase rather than just providing them with information.

A custom page connects to your website like other pages. However, its design and layout elevate a specific product or service in ways that really speak to your customers or solve a problem they happen to have.

What Does a Custom Landing Page Do?

The average site should be receiving more visitors each month and gradually starting to see its sales or interactions increase. So, when creating your website or custom landing page, it pays to keep the following elements in mind:

  • Search engine ranking: Search engine optimization helps your website rank with relevant keywords and phrases, SEO-friendly URLs, and tags.
  • Simple navigation: Can each visitor quickly and intuitively browse your website?
  • Informative content: Keyword-rich content that reads naturally and informs potential customers about your services offers great value to anyone visiting your site.
  • Distinctive branding: Your content, layout, and other elements should make an impression that sticks with the site visitor. That way, when they encounter your online advertisement, they’ll quickly connect them to your brand.

Custom landing pages include each listed element, too. However, they also involve another secret ingredient: better eCommerce conversions. Where the average landing page focuses more on information rather than selling, successful custom pages transform informed visitors into paying customers who come back again and again.

Let’s say that a search engine user considers purchasing tee shirts from small vendors. They may come across your clothing website in their search results, contemplate a purchase, or even bookmark your website for later. So, while they learned about your products, they didn’t complete the all-important transaction to take them from visitor to valued customer.

What if that tee shirt browser clicked on your site in their search engine results and was warmly greeted by a pop-up page just as they landed on your homepage? This page displays a quality image of a fashionable graphic tee shirt, which the visitor can purchase at a discount right away if they provide an email address. 

They’ll even receive a code to verify their discount, so of course, they can’t miss out on this deal! And once they complete the transaction, you’ve gained a customer, an email address to add to your contact list, and another step forward on your brand’s growth potential. The customer themselves has discovered a new brand that understands their aesthetic and offers great deals, so it’s a win-win situation for all parties.

How Can a Custom Landing Page Give You an Edge?

One main advantage of customized landing pages is that there are myriad ways these pages can catch people’s attention and sell to people who have various interests or preferences. If you identify the broader characteristics your customer base shares, you can use segmentation to further tailor your marketing efforts.

Generally, you want the whole website to appeal to a broader audience. A custom landing page only appears when a specific audience segment member clicks through to your site from an ad or search terms. If you can tailor the pop-up to speak directly to whatever brought the person to your site, you’re more likely to make an actual sale.

Some more benefits of landing pages include the following:

Really Make Sales

Do you want more money in the revenue account? Custom landing pages can do just that when a site visitor follows through on your call to action. The landing page tells them precisely what to do, how to do it, and why, which makes the sale quick and easy.

Humanizes the Experience

All customers want to feel seen by the brands they love. A personalized experience goes a long way in any eCommerce transaction, so customized landing pages are your way of saying, “Hi! Can I help you with anything today?

Completes the Connection

If a customer leaves a transaction unfinished, you still want to make sure you both get something out of the exchange. It might be contact information like email addresses for you and a discount coupon for them.

Demonstrates Your Commitment

Potential and current customers appreciate a brand that reads their minds. Well-crafted landing pages demonstrate your brand’s ability to anticipate their desires concerning your products and services. 

Makes the Interaction Easy and Enjoyable

Streamlined shopping experiences require the digital elements to anticipate your customers’ needs. Shoppers love an effortless purchasing experience, and they’ll come back to brands that provide it. 

Optimizes Your Search Results Ranking

The right keywords and other elements get your website rank higher across search engine results pages. Having an updated and mobile-friendly landing page makes that a breeze.

Gives You Market Insights

Some landing pages allow you to view how everyone interacts with your website. Why not create a collection of personalized landing pages to see how various audience segments react and then tailor your marketing as you go? 

Helps Your Site Stay Relevant For Longer

Maintaining your website pages might feel like a drag if you have to reexamine and refresh the same content over and over to reflect changing search patterns and advertising responsiveness. Why not prolong your site content’s relevance with landing pages? 

A landing page will typically contain less content, which makes it easier to adjust. That way, your website can keep ranking with the same content for longer. Just refresh your landing pages more often to keep the site evergreen! 

What Are the Different Varieties of Custom Landing Pages?

  • Microsites: A microsite functions outside of your brand’s general website. It features high-quality content, including images, text, and targeted calls to action.
  • Click-through pages: This landing page provides a minimal interface with a single call to action. You might use it on the homepage to get the visitor to buy something right away. 
  • Video pages: Internet shoppers increasingly interact with video content. A video landing page uses this preference to the brand’s advantage. For example, short explainer or infomercial videos discuss a product or service and how they solve a problem. 
  • Squeeze pages: Use a squeeze page to capture leads and data. For example, you’ll offer a freebie, like a PDF download or a consultation, in return for an email address. 
  • Long-form pages: Also called sales letters, long-form pages combine the general idea of a product or service page with practiced persuasiveness. It urges the visitor to complete a transaction by clearly addressing the visitor’s pain points and presenting your product as the solution. They dive deep into every product detail. 

Choose the page type based on your goals, and you’ll discover there’s a perfect landing page for any occasion. If you want to collect email addresses, offer something for free upfront in exchange for the address. When you want to push a specific product for a long period, you should explore microsites alongside other digital marketing avenues. 

What To Do Before Creating Custom Pages

Does all this sound exciting as you think about how your brand can try out these strategies and customized pages? You’re probably brimming with creative ideas about how to craft and execute a fruitful landing page. 

However, before you do so, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Master minimalism: Landing page layouts should communicate the desired message in a few words and an image. Leave plenty of whitespace and make the content easy to digest. 
  • Showcase the best content quality: Shift more resources to the featured video or image content. Visual elements should immediately capture the visitor’s attention while the text works on being memorable and catchy.
  • Identify a purpose and goal: What is your primary goal in publishing a landing page? Choose the page type that best achieves those aims. 
  • Add social proof: Textual elements should include positive feedback from your current customers. You don’t need to add a full product review. Instead, try captions like “best-selling product” or “5-star service.”  
  • Test and reassess: A/B testing helps you determine which elements and layouts earn the best results. Implement testing by creating landing pages with identical elements with just one difference to see what works best. That way, you can use the results to tweak your future marketing strategies.

How To Create a Successful Custom Landing Page

Landing pages aren’t simply about metrics, numbers, and sales. Although you aim to increase your brand’s reach and earn profits, landing pages primarily add the personal touch that many online shopping experiences lack. Since you can’t speak passionately about your products and services in person, your landing page should act as a stand-in.

Effective custom landing pages primarily offer an opportunity for business owners to add a human side to the online sales journey. The data, increased profits, and search engine ranking are bonuses.  

Unlock a Free Growth Plan From Bear North Digital

Introduce your brand to the talented and passionate team of Bear North Digital through a free growth plan. We offer endless solutions and creative ideas to help you get the most out of our comprehensive marketing services. Call (218) 216-8692 or reach out online to schedule your free strategy session today!